People that don't like email notifs

Posted by Ana Massien - December 15, 2016 9:48 PM

SPAM = Spam is not classified as emails to networks you are a member of.

Network Memberships to a certain network send: desktop notifs (site activity, aka x mentioned you in a status, x mentioned you on a group etc)

You get emails from friends - "sue sent an email called "x" to you",

Friends you follow send notifs when they have new updates "bob uploaded a video", "bob uploaded a photo"

Group Broadcasts: "Kittens mailed you about an event" for example.

Site broadcasts: "merry xmas from site name"

Spam is unsolicated email like "meet live russian women, see them take off their clothes! they have beards too!" lol this is Spam.


Telling an NC you want to be verified, want a check mark on your name, when you have not verified your email at all, (because you don't want emails at all) and don't want emails at all from the network you joined, is RUDE. If you don't want emails you don't need to be a member of my sites and projects. I want people whom want to share, create, dream, and be present when their a member. I am not recruiting either. I pay for my sites and domain names per year. One of them is, yes absolutely if you don't want site activity emails then I know you are not going to participate. Leave or I will ban or delete you absolutely.

Then they come over here and like some p*ssy leave a comment like we are afraid of what they write like "never join them they'll ban or delete you right away" and not say the real meaning as to why. Yes, we/I have the right to not let you join, or ban you or delete you right away. is my site I don't care if you like it or not, either you will or you won't regardless. It's my site the way I want to run it. Like it says on content is our own, and we own our brand and we own our content. If you have to be verified so much, create your own network on socibd.

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